Section 11 of Foreign Exchange Management Act 1999

Section 11 of Foreign Exchange Management Act 1999 – Reserve Bank’s powers to issue directions to authorised person

Section 11(1) of Foreign Exchange Management Act 1999

The Reserve Bank may, for the purpose of securing compliance with the provisions of this Act and of any rules, regulations, notifications or directions made thereunder, give to the authorised persons any direction in regard to making of payment or the doing or desist from doing any act relating to foreign exchange or foreign security.

Section 11(2) of Foreign Exchange Management Act 1999

The Reserve Bank may, for the purpose of ensuring the compliance with the provisions of this Act or of any rule, regulation, notification, direction or order made thereunder, direct any authorised person to furnish such information, in such manner, as it deems fit.

Section 11(3) of Foreign Exchange Management Act 1999

Where any authorised person contravenes any direction given by the Reserve Bank under this Act or fails to file any return as directed by the Reserve Bank, the Reserve Bank may, after giving reasonable opportunity of being heard, impose on the authorised person a penalty which may extend to ten thousand rupees and in the case of continuing contravention with an additional penalty which may extend to two thousand rupees for every day during which such contravention continues.

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