List of Central Act in India

AlphabetName of the Central Act
AAadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and other subsidies, benefits
and Services) Act, 2016
Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research Act
Acquired Territories (Merger) Act
Acquisition of Certain Area at Ayodhya Act
Actuaries Act
Administrative Tribunals Act
Administrators-General Act
Admiralty (Jurisdiction and Settlement of Maritime Claims) Act
Advocates Act
Advocates’ Welfare Fund Act
African Development Bank Act
African Development Fund Act
Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking) Act
Agriculture land Processed Food Products Export Development
Authority Act
Agriculturists’ Loans Act
Aircraft Act
Airports Authority of India Act
Airports Economic Regulatory Authority of India Act
Air Force Act
Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act
Ajmer Tenancy and Land Records Act
Aligarh Muslim University Act
All-India Council for Technical Education Act
All-India Institute of Medical Sciences Act
All-India Services Act
Anand Marriage Act
Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act
Ancient Monuments Preservation Act
Andhra Pradesh Legislative Council Act
Andhra Pradesh and Madras (Alteration of Boundaries) Act
Andhra Pradesh and Mysore (Transfer of Territory) Act
Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act
Andhra State Act
Anusandhan National Research Foundation Act
Anti-Apartheid (United Nations Convention) Act
Anti-Hijacking Act
Antiquities and Art Treasures Act
Apprentices Act
Arbitration and Conciliation Act
Architects Act
Armed Forces (Emergency Duties) Act
Armed Forces (Jammu and Kashmir) Special Powers Act
Armed Forces (Punjab and Chandigarh) Special Powers Act
Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act
Armed Forces Tribunal Act
Arms Act
Army Act
Army and Air Force (Disposal of Private Property) Act
Arya Marriage Validation Act
Asian Development Bank Act
Asiatic Society Act
Assam (Alteration of Boundaries) Act
Assam Reorganisation (Meghalaya)Act
Assam Rifles Act
Assam University Act
Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Act
Atomic Energy Act
Auroville Foundation Act
Authoritative Texts (Central Laws) Act
BBaba saheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University Act
Banaras Hindu University Act
Bankers’ Books Evidence Act
Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act
Banking Companies(Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act
Banking Regulation Act
Banning of Unregulated Deposit Schemes Act
Beedi and Cigar Workers (Conditions of Employment)Act
Bengal, Agra and Assam Civil Courts Act
Bengal Bonded Warehouse Association Act
Bengal Bonded Warehouse Association Act
Bengal Embankment Act
Bengal Ghatwali Lands Act
Bengal Indigo Contracts Act
Bengal Land holders’ Attendance Act
Bengal Land-revenue Sales Act
Bengal Military Police Act
Betwa River Board Act
Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (Determination of Conditions of Service of Employees) Act
Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita
Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita
Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam
Bhopal Gas Leak Disaster (Processing of Claims) Act
Bihar and Uttar Pradesh (Alteration of Boundaries )Act
Bihar and West Bengal (Transfer of Territories) Act
Bihar Land Reforms Laws (Regulating Mines and Minerals) Validation Act
Bihar Reorganisation Act
Bihar Value Added Tax Act
Bilateral Netting of Qualified Financial Contracts Act
Biological Diversity Act
Bird and Company Limited (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings and Other Properties) Act
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act
Black Money (Undisclosed Foreign Income and Assets) and Imposition of Tax Act
Boilers Act
Bombay Civil Courts Act
Bombay Rent-free Estates Act
Bombay Reorganisation Act
Bombay Revenue Jurisdiction Act
Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act
Border Security Force Act
Boundary-marks, Bombay
Brahmaputra Board Act
Britannia Engineering Company Limited (Mokameh Unit) and the Arthur Butler and Company (Muzaffarpore) Limited(Acquisition
And Transfer of Undertakings) Act
British India Corporation Limited (Acquisition of Shares) Act
Broach and Kaira Incumbered Estates Act
Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service)Act
Building and Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Cess Act
Bureau of Indian Standards Act
CCable Television Networks (Regulation) Act
Calcutta High Court (Extension of Jurisdiction) Act
Calcutta High Court (Jurisdictional Limits)Act
Calcutta Land-revenue Act
Calcutta Metro Railway (Operation and Maintenance) Temporary Provisions Act
Calcutta Port (Pilotage) Act
Cantonments (Extension of Rent Control Laws) Act
Cantonments Act
Cardamom Act
Carriage by Air Act
Carriage by Road Act
Cattle-trespass Act
Census Act
Central Agricultural University Act
Central Board of Revenue Act
Central Educational Institutions (Reservation in Admission) Act
Central Education Institutions (Reservation in Teacher’s Cadre) Act
Central Excise Act
Central Goods and Services Tax Act
Central Goods and Services Tax (Extension to Jammu and Kashmir) Act
Central Industrial Security Force(Amendment and Validation)Act
Central Industrial Security Force Act
Central Laws (Extension to Arunachal Pradesh) Act
Central Laws (Extension to Jammu and Kashmir) Act
Central Provinces Court of Wards Act
Central Provinces Financial Commissioner’s Act
Central Provinces Land-revenue Act
Central Provinces Tenancy Act
Central Road Fund Act
Central Reserve Police Force Act
Central Sales Tax Act
Central Sanskrit Universities Act
Central Silk Board Act
Central Universities Act
Central Vigilance Commission Act
Cess and Other Taxes on Minerals (Validation)Act
Chandigarh (Delegation of Powers) Act
Chandigarh Disturbed Areas Act
ChaparmukhSil ghat Railway Line and the Katakhal Lalabazar Railway Line (Nationalisation) Act
Charitable Endowments Act
Charitable and Religious Trusts Act
Chartered Accountants Act
Chief Election Commissioner and Other Election Commissioners (Appointment, Conditions Of Service and Term Of Office) Act
Chemical Weapons Convention Act
Child and Adolescent Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act
Chit Funds Act
Chotta Nagpur Encumbered Estates Act
Cigarettes and other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade and Commerce, Products, Supply and Distribution) Act
Cinematograph Act
Cine-Workers and Cinema Theatre Workers (Regulation of Employment) Act
Cine-Workers Welfare Fund Act
Citizenship Act
City of Bombay Municipal (Supplementary) Act
Civil Defence Act
Civil Liability for Nuclear damage Act
Clinical Establishment (Representation and Regulation) Act
Coal Bearing Areas (Acquisition and Development)Act
Coal India (Regulation of Transfers and Validation) Act
Coal Mines Labour Welfare Fund (Repeal) Act
Coal Mines Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act
Coal Mines (Special Provisions) Act
Coastal Aquaculture Authority Act
Coast Guard Act
Coasting Vessels Act
Coconut Development Board Act
Code of Civil Procedure
Code on Social Security
Code on Wages Act
Coffee Act
Coinage Ac
Coir Industry Act
Collection of Statistics Act
Commercial Documents Evidence Act
Commercial Courts Act
Commissions for Protection of Child’s Rights Act
Commissions of Inquiry Act
Commission of Sati (Prevention) Act
Commission for Air Quality Management in National Capital Region and Adjoining Areas Act
Companies Act, 2013
Companies(Donations to National Funds) Act
Companies(Profits)Surtax Act
Company Secretaries Act
Compensatory Afforestation Fund Act
Competition Act
Comptroller and Auditor General’s (Duties, Powers and Conditions of Service) Act
Conservation of Foreign Exchange and Prevention of Smuggling Activities Act
Consumer Protection Act
Contempt of Courts Act
Contingency Fund of India Act
Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act
Control of National Highways (Land and Traffic) Act
Co-operative Societies Act
Copyright Act
Cost and Works Accountants Act
Court-fees Act
Credit Information Companies (Regulation) Act
Criminal Procedure (Identification) Act
Customs Act
Customs Tariff Act
Cutchi Memons Act
DDadra and Nagar Haveli Act
Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu (Merger of Union Territories) Act
Defence and Internal Security of India Act
Defence of India Act
Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha Act
Dalmia Dadri Cement Limited (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act
Dam Safety Act
Damodar Valley Corporation Act
Dehra Dun Act
Dekkhan Agriculturists Relief Act
Delhi and Ajmer-Merwara Land Development Act
Delhi Apartment Ownership Act
Delhi Development Act
Delhi High Court Act
Delhi Land Holdings (Ceiling) Act
Delhi Lands (Restriction on Transfer) Act
Delhi Laws (Special Provisions) Act
Delhi Motor Vehicles Taxation Act
Delhi Municipal Corporation Act
Delhi Police Act
Delhi Primary Education Act
Delhi Rent Control Act
Delhi Sales Tax Act
Delhi School Education Act
Delhi Sikh Gurdwaras Act
Delhi Special Police Establishment Act
Delhi University Act
Delhi (Urban Areas)Tenants’ Relief Act
Delhi Urban Art Commission Act
Delimitation Act
Delivery of Books and Newspapers (Public Libraries) Act
Dentists Act
Deo Estate Act
Departmental Inquiries (Enforcement of Attendance of Witnesses and Production of Documents) Act
Departmentalisation of Union Accounts (Transfer of Personnel) Act
Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation Act
Depositories Act
Designs Act
Destruction of Records Act
Destructive Insects and Pests Act
Destructive Insects and Pests (Amendment and Validation) Act
Diplomatic and Consular Officers (Oaths and Fees)Act
Diplomatic and Consular Officers (Oaths and Fees) (Extension to Jammu and Kashmir) Act
Diplomatic Relations (Vienna Convention) Act
Direct Tax Vivadse Vishwas Act
Disaster Management Act
Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act
Disturbed Areas (Special Courts) Act
Divorce Act
Dock Workers (Regulation of Employment) Act
Dock Workers (Regulation of Employment) (Inapplicability to Major Ports) Act
Dock Workers (Safety, Health and Welfare) Act
Dowry Prohibition Act
Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University Act
Drugs and Cosmetics Act
Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act
Durgah Khawaja Saheb Act
EEasements (Extending) Act
East-Punjab Urban Rent Restriction (Extension to Chandigarh) Act
Economic Offences (Inapplicability of Limitation) Act
Election Laws (Extension to Sikkim) Act
Electricity Act
Emblems and Names (Prevention of Improper Use) Act
Emigration Act
Employees’ Compensation Act
Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act
Employees’ State Insurance Ac
Employment Exchanges (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) Act
Employment of Manual Scavengers and Construction of Dry Latrines (Prohibition) Act
Enemy Property Act
Energy Conservation Act
English and Foreign Languages University Act
Emergency Risks (Goods) Insurance Act
Emergency Risks (Under-Takings) Insurance Act
Environment (Protection) Act
Epidemic Diseases Act
Equal Remuneration Act
Essential Commodities Act
Essential Service Maintenance Act
Essential Services (Maintenance) Act
Essential Services Maintenance (Assam) Act
Expenditure-tax Act
Explosive Substances Act
Explosives Act
Export-Import Bank of India Act
Export(Quality Control and Inspection) Act
Extending Certain Act
Extradition Act
FFactories Act
Factoring Act
Family Courts Act
Faridabad Development Corporation Act
Farm Laws Repeal Act
Fatal Accidents Act
Finance Commission (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act
Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act
Food Corporations Act
Food Safety and Standards Act
Footwear Design and Development Institute Act
Foreign Aircraft (Exemption from Taxes and Duties on Fuel and Lubricants)Act
Foreign Contribution (Regulation)Act
Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999
Foreign Marriage Act
Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act
Foreigners Act
Foreigners Law(Application and Amendment) Act
Forfeited Deposits Act
Former Secretary of State Service Officers (Conditions of Service) Act
Forward Contracts (Regulation)Act
Fugitive Economic Offenders Act
GGeneral Clauses Act
General Insurance Business (Nationalisation) Act
Geneva Conventions Act
Geographical Indications of Goods(Registration and Protection)Act
Gift-Tax Act
Goa, Daman and Diu(Administration)Act
Goa, Daman and Diu (Extension of the Code of Civil Procedure and the Arbitration Act)Act
Goa, Daman and Diu Mining Concession (Abolition and Declaration as Mining Leases)Act
Goa, Daman and Diu Reorganisation Act
Gold Bonds (Immunities and Exemptions)Act
Goods and Services Tax (Compensation to States) Act
Government Buildings Act
Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi Act
Government of Union Territories Act
Government Savings Banks Act
Government Securities Act
Governors (Emoluments, Allowances and Privileges) Act
Gram Nyayalayas Act
Guardians and Wards Act
HHaj Committee Act
Handlooms (Reservation of Articles for Production) Act
Haryana and Punjab Agricultural Universities Act
Haryana and Uttar Pradesh (Alteration of Boundaries) Act
High Court and Bombay (Extension of Jurisdiction to Goa, Daman and Diu) Act
High Court at Patna (Establishment of a Permanent Ben chat Ranchi) Act
High Court Judges (Conditions of Service) Act
High Courts (Seals) Act
High Denomination Bank Notes (Demonetisation) Act
Himachal Pradesh and Bilaspur (New State)Act
Hind Cycles Limited and Sen-Raleigh Limited (Nationalisation) Act
Hindi Sahitya Sammelan Act
Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act
Hindu Disposition of Property Act
Hindu Gains of Learning Act
Hindu Marriage Act
Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act
Hindu Succession Act
Hooghly Docking and Engineering Company Limited (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act
Hotel-Receipts Tax Act
Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (Prevention and Control)Act
IIllegal Migrants (Determination by Tribunals) Act
Immigration(Carriers’ Liability) Act
Immigrants(Expulsion from Assam) Act
Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act
Improvements in Towns
Inchek Tyres Limited and National Rubber Manufacturers Limited (Nationalisation) Act
Income-tax Act, 1961
Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act
Indian Antarctic Act
Indian Bills of Lading Act
Indian Carriage of Goods by Sea Act
Indian Christian Marriage Act
Indian Council of World Affairs Act
Indian Contract Act
Indian Easements Act
Indian Forest Act
Indian Institutes of Information Technology Act
Indian Institutes of Information Technology (Public-Private Partnership) Act
Indian Institute of Management Act
Indian Institute of Petroleum and Energy Act
Indian Maritime University Act
Indian Museum Act
Indian Naval Armament Act
Indian Nursing Council Act
Indian Partnership Act
Indian Ports Act
Indian Railway Board Act
Indian Red Cross Society Act
Indian Reserve Forces Act
Indian Soldiers (Litigation) Act
Indian Stamp Act
Indian Statistical Institute Act
Indian Succession Act
Indian Tolls Act
Indian Tolls (Army and Air Force) Act
Indian Tramways Act
Indian Treasure-trove Act
Indian Trusts Act
Indian Veterinary Council Act
India International Arbitration Centre Act
Indira Gandhi National Open University Act
Indira Gandhi National Tribal University Act
Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force Act
Industrial Development Bank (Transfer of Undertaking and Repeal)Act
Industrial Disputes Act
Industrial Disputes (Banking and Insurance Companies) Act
Industrial Disputes Act
Industrial Disputes (Banking and Insurance Companies) Act
Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act
Industrial Finance Corporation (Transfer of Undertaking and Repeal)Act
Industrial Reconstruction Bank (Transfer of Undertaking and Repeal)Act
Industries(Development and Regulation) Act
Infant Milk Substitutes, Feeding Bottles and Infant Foods (Regulation of Production, Supply and Distribution) Act
Inflammable Substances Act
Information Technology Act
Inheritance Act
Inland Waterways Authority of India Act
Inland Vessels Act
Insecticides Act
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
Institute of Teaching And Research In Ayurveda Act
Institutes of Technology Act
Insurance Act
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act
Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act
Integrated Goods and Services Tax (Extension to Jammu and Kashmir) Act
Intelligence Organisations (Restriction on Rights) Act
Interest Act
Interest-tax Act
International Development Association (Status, Immunities and Privileges) Act
International Finance Corporation (Status, Immunities and Privileges) Act
International Financial Services Centres Authority Act
International Monetary Fund and Bank Act
Inter-Service Organisations (Command, Control and Discipline) Act
Inter-State Corporation Act
Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service)Act
Inter-State River Water Disputes Act
JJallianwala Bagh National Memorial Act
Jamia Millia Islamia Act
Jammu and Kashmir (Extension of Laws) Act
Jammu and Kashmir Official Languages Act
Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Act
Jammu and Kashmir Representation of the People Supplementary)Act
Jawaharlal Institute of Post-Graduate Medical Education and Research, Pondicherry Act
Jawaharlal Nehru University Act
Judges (Inquiry) Act
Judges (Protection) Act
Jute Companies (Nationalisation) Act
Jute Packaging Materials (Compulsory Use in Packing Commodities) Act
Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act
KKala kshetra Foundation Act
Kazis Act
Khaddar (Protection of Name) Act
Khadi and Village Industries Commission Act
Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library Act
King of Oudh’s Estate Act
King of Oudh’s Estate Act
King of Oudh’s Estate Validation Act
LLabour Laws (Exemption from Furnishing Returns and Maintaining Registers by Certain Establishments) Act
Lady Hardinge Medical College and Hospital (Acquisition and Miscellaneous Provisions)Act
Lalitkala Akademi (Taking Over of Management)Act
Land Acquisition (Amendment and Validation) Act
Land Improvement Loans Act
Land Port Authority of India Act
Laws Local Extent Act
Leaders of Chief Whips of Recognised Parties and Groups in Parliament (Facilities) Act
Legal Metrology Act
Legal Practitioners Act
Legal Representatives’ Suits Act
Legal Services Authorities Act
Legal Tender (Inscribed Notes) Act
Legislative Assembly of Nagal and (Change in Representation) Act
Levy Sugar Price Equalisation Fund Act
Life Insurance Corporation Act
Life Insurance Corporation (Modification of Settlement) Act
Limitation Act
Limited Liability Partnership Act
Live-stock Importation Act
Local Authorities Loans Act
Lokpal and Lokaayuktas Act
Lok Sahayak Sena Act
Lotteries (Regulation) Act
Lushai Hills District (Change of Name) Act
MMadhya Pradesh Reorganisation Act
Mediation Act
Madras, Bengal and Bombay Children (Supplementary) Act
Madras City Civil Court Act
Madras City Land Revenue Act
Madras Civil Courts Act
Madras District Police Act
Madras Rent and Revenue Sales Act
Madras Revenue Commissioner Act
Mahatma Gandhi Antarashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya Act
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act
Maintenance Orders Enforcement Act
Majority Act
Major Port Authorities Act
Mangrol and Manavadar (Administration of Property) Act
Manipur (Courts)Act
Manipur(Hill Areas District Council)Act
Manipur Land Revenue and Land Reforms Act
Manipur Municipalities Act
Manipur Panchayati Raj Act
Manipur (Sales of Motor Spirit and Lubricants)Taxation Act
Manipur University Act
Manipur ( Village Authorities in Hill Areas) Act
Manoeuvres, Field Firing and Artillery Practice Act
Marine Aids to Navigation Act
Marine Insurance Act
Marine Products Export Development Authority Act
Maritime Anti-Piracy Act
Maritime Zones of India (Regulation of Fishing by Foreign Vessels) Act
Marking of Heavy Packages Act
Married Women’s Property Act
Maternity Benefit Act
Maulana Azad National Urdu University Act
Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act
Mental Healthcare Act
Merchant Shipping Act
Metro Railway (Operation and Maintenance) Act
Metro Railways (Construction of Works) Act
Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act
Mines Act
Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development) Act
Minimum Wages Act
Mizoram University Act
Moorshedabad Act
Motor Transport Workers Act
Motor Vehicles Act
Multimodal Transportation of Goods Act
Multi-State Co-operative Societies Act
Murshidabad Estate Administration Act
Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act
Muslim Women(Protection of Rights on Marriage)Act
Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act
Mussalman Wakf Act
NNaga Hills-Tuensang Area Act
Nagal and University Act
Nalanda University Act
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development Act
National Bank For Financing Infrastructure And Development Act
National Cadet Corps Act
National Capital Region Planning Board Act
National Capital Territory of Delhi Laws (Special Provisions) Act
National Capital Territory of Delhi Laws (Special Provisions) Second Act
National Capital Territory of Delhi(Recognition of Property Rights of Residents in Unauthorised Colonies)Act
National Commission For Allied And Health care Professions Act
National Commission for Homoeopathy Act
National Commission for Indian System of Medicine Act
National Commission for Minorities Act
National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions Act
National Commission for Safai Karamcharis Act
National Commission for Women Act
National Commission for Backward Classes(Repeal) Act
National Company (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act
National Co-operative Development Corporation Act
National Council for Teacher Education Act
National Dairy Development Board Act
National Dental Commission Act
National Food Security Act
National Forensic Sciences University Act
National Green Tribunal Act
National Highways Act
National Highways Authority of India Act
National Housing Bank Act
National Institute of Design Act
National Institute of Fashion Technology Act
National Institute of Food Technology, Entrepreneurship and Management Act
National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-Sciences, Bangalore Act
National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research Act
National Institute of Technology Act
National Investigation Agency Act
National Judicial Appointments Commission Act
National Jute Board Act
National Medical Commission Act
National Nursing and Midwifery Commission Act
National Rural Employment Guarantee (Extension to Jammu and Kashmir)Act
National Security Act
National Security Guard Act
National Service Act
National Sports University Act
National Tax Tribunal Act
National Trust for Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities Act
National Water way Act
Naval and Aircraft PrizeAct
Navy Act
Negotiable Instruments Act
New Delhi Municipal Council Act
Newspapers (Price Control) Act
North-Eastern Area (Reorganisation) Act
North-Eastern Council Act
North-Eastern Hill University Act
Northern India Canal and Drainage Act
Northern India Ferries Act
Notaries Act
North-Western Provinces and Oudh Act
OOaths Act
Official Languages Act
Official Secrets Act
Official Trustees Act
Offshore Areas Minerals (Development and Regulation)Act
Oil and Natural Gas Commission (Transfer of Undertaking and Repeal) Act
Oil Fields (Regulation and Development)Act
OilI ndustry (Development)Act
Orissa(Alteration of Name) Act
Orissa Weights and Measures (Delhi Repeal) Act
Orphanages and Other Charitable Homes(Supervision and Control)Act
Oudh Estates Act
Oudh Laws Act
Oudh Taluqdars’ Relief Act
PParliament (Prevention of Disqualification) Act
Parliamentary Proceedings (Protection of Publication)Act
Parel Investments and Trading Private Limited and Domestic Gas Private Limited(Taking over of Management) Repeal Act
Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act
Partition Act
Partition of Revenue-paying Estates Act
Passport(Entry in to India) Act
Passports Act
Patents Act
Payment and Settlement Systems Act
Payment of Bonus Act
Payment of Gratuity Act
Payment of Wages Act
Pensions Act
Pensions Fund Regulatory and Development Authority Act
Petroleum Act
Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land) Act
Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board Act
Pharmacy Act
Places of Worship(Special Provisions)Act
Plantations Labour Act
Poisons Act
Police Act
Police Forces (Restriction of Rights)Act
Pondicherry(Extension of Laws) Act
Pondicherry University Act
Pondicherry(Alteration of Name)Act
Post-Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research Chandigarh Act
Post Office Act
Post Office Cash Certificates Act
Powers-of-Attorney Act
Prasar Bharati (Broadcasting Corporation of India)Act
Preference Shares (Regulation of Dividend) Act
Pre-conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection)Act
Presidency Small Cause Courts Act
Presidency Towns Insolvency Act
President(Discharge of Functions)Act
Presidential and Vice-Presidential Elections Act
President’s Emoluments and Pension Act
Press and Registration of Periodicals Act
Press Council Act
Prevention and Control of Infectious and Contagious diseases in Animals Act
Prevention of Black marketing and Maintenance of Supplies of Essential Commodities Act
Prevention of Corruption Act
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act
Prevention of Damage to Public Property Act
Prevention of Money Laundering Act
Prevention of Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act
Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act
Prevention of Terrorism (Repeal)Act
Prisoners Act
Prisoners (Attendance in Courts) Act
Prisons Act
Private Security Agencies (Regulation)Act
Prize Chits and Money Circulation Scheme (Banning) Act
Prize Competitions Act
Probation of Offenders Act
Prohibition of Benami Property Transactions Act
Prohibition of Electronic Cigarettes (Production, Manufacture, Import, Export, Transport, Sale Distribution, Storage and Advertisement) Act
Prohibition of Child Marriage Act
Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act
Protection of Civil Rights Act
Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act
Protection of Human Rights Act
Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Right Act
Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act
Provident Funds Act
Provincial Small Cause Courts Act
Provisional Collection of Taxes Act
Provincial Insolvency Act
Provisions of the Panchayats (Extension to the Scheduled Areas) Act
Public Debt Act
Public Employment (Requirement as to Residence) Act
Public Examination (Prevention of Unfair Means) Act
Public Financial Institutions (Obligation as to Fidelity and Secrecy) Act
Public Gambling Act
Public Liability Insurance Act
Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorised Occupants) Act
Public Records Act
Public Sector Iron and Steel Companies (Restructuring) and Miscellaneous Provisions Act
Punjab District Boards Act
Punjab Disturbed Areas Act
Punjab Land revenue Act
Punjab Laws Act
Punjab Municipal Corporation Law (Extension to Chandigarh) Act
Punjab Reorganisation Act
Punjab Tenancy Act
RRailway Claims Tribunal Act
Railway Property (Unlawful Possession) Act
Railway Protection Force Act
Railways Act
Railways Employment of Members of the Armed Forces Act
Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh(Transfer of Territories) Act
Rajghat Samadhi Act
Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology Act
Rajiv Gandhi National Aviation University Act
Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development Act
Rajiv Gandhi University Act
Rampur Raza Library Act
Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University Act
Rashtriya Raksha University Act
Real Estate(Regulation and Development)Act
Reciprocity Act
Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act
Recycling of Ship Act
Regional Centre for Biotechnology Act
Regional Rural Banks Act
Registration Act
Registration of Births and Deaths Act
Registration of Foreigners Act
Rehabilitation Council of India Act
Rehabilitation Finance Administration Act
Religious Endowments Act
Religious Institutions (Prevention of Misuse) Act
Religious Societies Act
Remittances of Foreign Exchange and Investment in Foreign Exchange Bonds (Immunities and Exemptions) Act
Rent Recovery Act
Repatriation of Prisoners Act
Repealing and Amending Act
Representation of the People Act
Requisitioning and Acquisition of Immovable Property Act
Reserve and Auxiliary Air Forces Act
Reserve Bank (Transfer of Public Ownership) Act
Reserve Bank of India Act
Revenue Bombay
Revenue Commissioners, Bombay
Revenue Recovery Act
Richardson and Cruddas Limited (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act
River Boards Act
Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act
Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act
Right to Information Act
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act
Road Transport Corporations Act
Rubber Act
SSAARC Convention (Suppression of Terrorism)Act
Salar Jung Museum Act
Salary, Allowances and Pension of Members of Parliament Act
Salaries and Allowances of Ministers Act
Salaries and Allowances of Officers of Parliament Act
Salary and Allowances of Leaders of Opposition in Parliament Act
Sale of Goods Act
Sales Promotion Employees (Conditions of Service) Act
Sarais Act
Sashastra Seema Bal Act
Scheduled Areas (Assimilation of Laws)Act
Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forests Rights)Act
Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes Orders(Amendment) Act
Scheduled Securities (Hyderabad) Act
School of Planning and Architecture Act
Seamen’s Provident Fund Act
Seaward Artillery Practice Act
Securities and Exchange Board of India Act
Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act
Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act
Seeds Act
Semi conductor Integrated Circuits Layout Design Act
Sexual Harassment of Women at Work place (Prevention, Prohibition and Red ressal)Act
Shillong (Rifle Range and Umlong) Cantonments Assimilation of Laws Act
Shore Nuisances (Bombay and Kolaba) Act
Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Repeal Act
Sick Textile Undertakings (Nationalisation)Act
Sikh Gurdwaras (Supplementary)Act
Sikkim University Act
Sir Dinshaw Maneckjee Petit Act
Sir Jamsetjee Jejeebhoy Baronetcy Act
Slum Areas (Improvement and Clearance)Act
Small Industries Development Bank of India Act
Smugglers and Foreign Exchange Manipulators (Forfeiture of Property) Act
Societies Registration Act
South Asian University Act
Special Court (Trial of Offences Relating to Transactions in Securities) Act
Special Criminal Courts (Jurisdiction) Act
Special Economic Zones Act
Special Marriage Act
Special Protection Group Act
Specific Relief Act
Specified Bank Notes (Cessation of Liabilities) Act
Spices Board Act
Sports Broad casting Signals (Mandatory Sharing with Prasar Bharti) Act
Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Trivandrum Act
Stage-Carriages Act
State Armed Police Forces (Extension of Laws)Act
State Associated Banks(Miscellaneous Provisions)Act
State Bank of India Act
State Bank of Sikkim(Acquisition of Shares) and Miscellaneous Provisions Act
State Financial Corporations Act
State Emblems of India (Prohibition of Improper Use) Act
State of Arunachal Pradesh Act
State of Himachal Pradesh Act
State of Mizoram Act
State of Nagaland Act
States Reorganisation Act
Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Act
Sugar Development Fund Act
Sugar Export Promotion Act
Suits Valuation Act
Suppression of Unlawful Acts against Safety of Civil Aviation Act
Suppression of Unlawful Acts against Safety of Maritime Navigation and Fixed Plat forms on Continental Shelf Act
Supreme Court (Enlargement of Criminal Appellate Jurisdiction) Act
Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service)Act
Supreme Court(Number of Judges) Act
Surrogacy (Regulation) Act
Swadeshi Cotton Mills Company Limited (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act
TTamil Nadu Legislative Council Act
Taxation Laws (Continuation and Validation of Recovery Proceedings) Act
Taxation Laws (Extension to Jammu and Kashmir) Act
Tea Act
Technology Development Board Act
Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Act
Telecommunication Act
Territorial Army Act
Territorial Waters, Continental Shelf, Exclusive Economic Zone and Other Maritime Zones Act
Terrorist Affected Areas (Special Courts)Act
Textile Undertakings (Nationalisation) Act
Textiles Committee Act
Tezpur University Act
Tobacco Board Act
Tobacco Duty(Town of Bombay) Act
Tokyo Convention Act
Trade Marks Act
Trade Unions Act
Transfer of Prisoners Act
Transfer of Property Act
Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act
Transplantation of Human Organs Act
Tribunals Reforms Act
Tripura Land Revenue and Land Reforms Act
Tripura University Act
Tyre Corporation of India Limited (Disinvestment of Ownership) Act
UUnion Duties of Excise (Distribution)Act
Union Territories (Direct Election to the House of the People) Act
Union Territory Goods and Services Tax Act
Union Territories (Laws) Act
Union Territories (Separation of Judicial and Executive Functions)Act
Union Territories (Stamp and Court-fees Laws)Act
Unit Trust of India (Transfer of Undertaking and Repeal) Act
United Nations(Privileges and Immunities)Act
United Nations(Security Council) Act
University Grants Commission Act
University of Hyderabad Act
University of Allahabad Act
Unlawful Activities (Prevention)Act
Unorganised Sector Workers Social Security Act
Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Repeal Act
Usurious Loans Act
Uttaranchal (Alteration of Name) Act
Uttar Pradesh Reorganisation Act
VVan (Sanrakshan Evam Samvardhan) Adhiniyam
Vice-President’s Pension Act
Victoria Memorial Act
Visva-Bharati Act
Voluntary Surrender of Salaries (Exemption from Taxation) Act
WWakf Act
Warehousing Corporations Act
Warehousing Corporations (Supplementary) Act
Warehousing(Development and Regulation) Act
Waste-Lands (Claims)Act
Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act
Wealth-tax Act
Weapons of Mass Destruction and their Delivery Systems (Prohibition of Unlawful Activities)Act
West Godavari District (Assimilation of Law son Federal Subjects)Act
White Phosphorus Matches Prohibition Act
Wild Life(Protection) Act
Women’s and Children’s Institutions (Licensing) Act
Working Journalists and Other Newspaper Employees (Conditions of Service) And Miscellaneous Provisions Act
Working Journalists (Fixation of Rates of Wages) Act
Works of Defence Act

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